
PopKey and GIF Keyboard: iPhone apps that turn your keyboard into a “GIFaria”

GIF, the de facto language of the future, is now also available as the iPhone GIF Keyboard created by Riffsy, Inc. and the PopKey keyboard created by WorkshopX Inc. With these imaginative and free iOS apps, you can add even more emotional power to your conversations. Which one you choose is up to you.

After easy installation, GIF Keyboard add as a keyboard in your settings. The app has thousands of built-in GIFs, organized by hashtags – this allows you to quickly find GIFs or browse the collection.
Once you find it, just hold the image and copy it, now paste it into the conversation and that's all you need. If you can't find the GIF for yourself, you can install it Safari extension, where you save your GIFs from the web. You can find the application here.

GIF Keyboard keyboard.
GIF Keyboard keyboard.

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PopKey it's not a drastically different app. You can also browse the GIF library, you can upload your animated GIF, which is so personalized, the GIFs you've used recently are right at your fingertips, and if you want to save one as a favorite, just double-check it. You can find the application here.

PopKey GIF keyboard for iPhone.
PopKey GIF keyboard for iPhone.

Info Box

More information:
popkey.co  and itunes.apple.com


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