
Pornographic content that we searched for the most in 2015

The most searched pornographic content of 2015

Do you know what kind of pornographic content we searched for the most in 2015? A look at the list of searches on adult websites reveals how perverted our sexual fantasies can be. The most popular porn website has revealed our dirtiest thoughts of 2015.

Pornhub, the largest porn website, has released its annual report 2015 Year In Review, in which we can see a thorough analysis of user search strings and which sexual fantasies were searched for the most.

Since we know you're already impatiently waiting for the analysis, take a look at what Pornhub users most often type into the search engine on the website.

What did we most often search for on porn sites?
What did we most often search for on porn sites?

In 2015, it was the most searched string on the website Pornhub "lesbians (lesbians)”, but at the same time it was a category with most views. It is known that heterosexual men are attracted to "girl on girl" actions (girl-on-girl)", but now it is also official that it is this one sexual fantasy in the first place.

And not only for men, but women too, of which there are more and more on the website. Women's sexual orientation has been a hot topic this year, with a study from the University of Essex even claiming that women can be bisexual or homosexual, but never heterosexual. Among other things, the study found that women are aroused by both heterosexual and homosexual sexual relations.

So what did men and women look for on a pornographic website?

What did men and women search for on Pornhub?
What did men and women search for on Pornhub?

READ MORE: What does our favorite sex toy say about us?

Older women, mothers are obviously in fashion...

For porn site visitors, this has clearly been a year of motherly love. Search string "step mom and son" it is on the 15th place out of the 71 most searched contents on the website.
Three of the six most searched content were related to an older woman – stepmother (step mom), MILF and Mom (Mom), bread sister (step sister) however, she landed in seventh place.

The second most searched string is "teenager (teen)” …

They are also trendy teenage girls barely of legal age. The extreme popularity of teenage girls begs the question of why so many grown men are turned on by young girls. The reasons for this popularity problematic fascination they may also be hiding in the porn industry in the world of fashion, advertising and popular culture, which eroticizes adolescents, especially girls.

Even adults watch cartoons, just different...

They are also popular categories nanny (babysitter) in 12th place and cartoon (cartoon) in 20th place.

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