
Portable air conditioner Evapolar


Are you dreading the coming months that bring heat and your office turns into a boiler room? Or are you vacationing on a remote island in a romantic house without air conditioning? Well, now there is no need to fear, because you can cool yourself with a portable air conditioner.

Evapolar it is 17 cm³ a large device that takes care of your microclimate. With evaporative cooling that can last 4-6 hours, creates pleasant temperatures on hot days, and at the same time it also adequately humidifies the air and filters clean. Enough for approx 4 square meters large area, which is approximately the size of the working or sleeping area or tent. It works best in dry and hot conditions and is extremely energy efficient due to completely harmless and degradable materials. Like most technological devices now too Evapolar managed via a mobile app, both from iOS and Android.

You won't cool the entire house, but if working at the desk or sleeping will be significantly more pleasant, the Evapolar device will make summer even more enjoyable.

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