
Post Modern Skateboard – a skateboard without a board and with only two wheels

Post Modern Skateboard - a skateboard for the 21st century.

Despite its name, the Post Modern Skateboard bears almost no resemblance to the skateboard as we know it. It consists of only two 10-inch wheels with a platform for the feet. A better description would therefore be a hoop skateboard, but it offers just as wide a range of options as a classic skateboard. But it is not only the appearance, but also the propulsion technique that separates them, which is slightly reminiscent of figure skating.

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Post Modern
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Skateboard without a board and only with two wheels? That is Post Modern Skateboard, a 21st century skateboard that is more of a soul mate to the "ass drift" powered Casterboard than traditional skateboards powered by pushing off the ground. Since it is a completely new propelling technique (leg twisting), a detachable one is included for faster learning "bridge" between a pair of 10-inch wheels, but as with a classic skateboard, the key here is good balance.

READ MORE: Fast Times x Nick Cave Skateboard

Post Modern Skateboard - a skateboard for the 21st century.
Post Modern Skateboard - a skateboard for the 21st century.

And although the Post Modern Skateboard poses the philosophical question of whether it's a skateboard at all, if it doesn't have a board, you can find the answer yourself, and we found the price of this postmodern skate– calculated 92 euros.

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