
Smooth course of postal traffic also in December

In December, when the volume of postal shipments increased significantly, Pošta Slovenije carried out a series of activities to ensure the smooth flow of postal traffic and thus the timely delivery of shipments.

In this way, they took care of the most important post offices and routes additional transport and cargo capacities and adjusted the personnel accordingly. Shipments are taken over from contracted customers without interruption. They also negotiate with individual customers who submit a significantly larger number of packages for transfer in the pre-holiday period than on normal days of the year, regarding the most favorable package pick-up times and, if necessary, carry out several pick-ups per day.

At the post office 1102 Ljubljana a new, automated reception of parcels, namely with the help of the DWS (Dimensioning Weighing Scanning) system, which weighs the package, measures its dimensions and reads the package's receiving number, thereby speeding up and facilitating the process of receiving package shipments, and the packages are also automatically directed to the package router.

With the modernization of the machine routing of shipments, PLC Ljubljana has been successfully managing the reception and routing of parcel shipments since this year. The speed of packet routing is increased by almost four times with the new technology, as the operational efficiency is at least 10,000 units per hour.

Since November, customers who do not pick up the package have been additionally notified. A few days before the deadline for returning the package to the sender, customers receive a reminder that the package is still waiting for them at the post office. In this way, they want to reduce the number of undelivered packages, and the senders as a result reduce the cost of return shipments and order processing.

At the time of the increased volume of postal shipments, they prepared recommendations for submitting shipments in the pre-holiday season with shipping deadlines that ensure shipments are delivered on time.

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