
Povie – A phone holder that is worn around the neck like a necklace

Povie - phone holder as a necklace

It may look silly, but the Povie (derivative of the acronym POV - Point of View), a phone holder worn around the neck, is actually a very practical thing. It allows you to record scenes in first-person mode (from our perspective), even while moving, freeing up both hands. Similar to if you had a GoPro sports camera on your head. This allows us to experience the moments here and now and not until later, when we watch the recording, because we are not busy looking at the screen and the position of the phone during the recording. Time will tell if the smartphone necklace will follow in the footsteps of the selfie stick.

He tells it is phone holder companies Edelcrown, which is worn around the neck as a necklace and that's why the name is already catching on smartphone necklace. Allows the user to record first-person footage, so that the world by example sports cameras we see through his eyes, and without the use of hands.

This means less vibration and consequently better shots and more freedom. He is ideal for web content creators, especially for those who record the process of creation, demonstrations, etc., as it allows hands-free recording. You can customize the phone as covers, because in the case of an interview, you probably want the camera to be pointing forward and not as far down as when, for example, you are filming yourself creating something out of wood.

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It can also be spoken smartphone stand, which is on the necklace with magnetic plate suction with the help of a self-adhesive pad (it is included and sticks to the phone case), which ensures that the device stays in place despite vibrations. For Povie, you must deduct (calculated) 45 euros.

Povie - Phone holder that is worn around the neck:

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