
Powerful life lessons we all learn too late

Powerful life lessons we all learn too late

Regrets are unavoidable, which is why it's all the more important to live the right life.

Regret is one of the hardest feelings to deal with we have to fight in this world. As the originator of existential philosophy, Soren Kierkegaard, teaches us, regret comes in one form or another inevitable. And what are the mistakes that should be avoided so that you don't regret your actions later?

Lessons learned too late:

Don't waste your time.

At the end of the day, time is all you have in this world and it is running out of everyone mercilessly. Perhaps this is the reason why so many people waste it - after all, it is difficult to admit that you are not immortal, to take responsibility and live life in a way that suits us.

Follow your heart.

Advice from parents and friends is well-intentioned and often helpful, but at the end of the day, you have to live your own life.

Time is running out for everyone, make good use of it.
Time is running out for everyone, make good use of it.

Make a living doing something that makes you happy.

You spend almost half of your life at work - if you have the chance, do something that makes you at least a little bit happy.

Accompany complaints with suggestions for improvement.

If something doesn't go your way, don't just complain, but give concrete suggestions on how to improve the situation.

Just complaining doesn't get you far.
Just complaining doesn't get you far.

Sometimes it's better to keep quiet.

Sometimes it is not wise to get into a conflict relationship with certain people because they will not understand your point of view on a certain thing. Why bother when you can ignore them?

Money isn't everything.

Studies have shown that money increases well-being up to a point, but then the amount of money no longer affects how happy you are. Remember that moments count more than a full wallet.

Money is only important to a certain extent.
Money is only important to a certain extent.

Life is more than a career.

What you dedicate your life to is entirely our choice – but many report that they are happiest when they have a balanced life between career, leisure and time for loved ones.

Know your values.

Values help you at a time when you have a difficult decision ahead of you and you are faced with temptation - that's when it will come in handy to be aware of WHO YOU ARE.

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