
Powerslayer Blue - a mobile phone charger that will never disappoint

There are times when we wish our cell phone charger was a little smarter. Powerslayer Blue is here to make our wishes come true.

A cell phone charger can make or break our day. If we don't have it with us just when we need it the most, when it gets completely messed up and when it is destroyed completely too soon, it can destroy all our nerves. It's moments like these that make us wish we were, well, a little smarter. Intelligent mobile phone charger Powerslayer Blue will turn our dreams into reality. At least that's what its inventors at the company promise Velvetwire. Powerslayer Blue it has quite a few great features that separate the intelligent charger from our boring chargers.

The Powerslayer reminds us when the cell phone battery is charged, thus saving electricity, and it charges the cell phone much faster than conventional chargers. The entire charging process can be monitored via the mobile application, where all data related to charging and the battery is also collected. The best feature of the charger could be the fact that the charger is able to "grasp" the charging target. If we spend a little too much time on Instagram or in an online chat with friends and the battery is already beeping, with the help of the application, we can direct some power from elsewhere to charge the battery. The battery will not be fully charged, but we will already be able to get home or to the charger. Innovative, isn't it?

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