
Vadim Fishkin: Remember

The world-renowned artist Vadim Fiškin will create an interactive installation in Friderik's Tower called Spomni se / Remember. A short performative action with playful personal participation will put the participant/spectator in the position of questioning the past with the help of light and sound effects...

Important information
Friderik's Tower, Old Castle Celje, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
The tour is included in the entrance fee to the Old Castle of Celje.

The world-renowned artist Vadim Fiškin will create an interactive installation in Friderik's Tower called Spomni se / Remember.

A short performative action with playful personal participation will place the participant/spectator with the help of light and sound effects in a position of questioning the past of the historical monument (Friderik's Tower) and the actions of the personal past.

With the interactive intervention, which will be open for viewing and use throughout the spring and summer of 2011, we want to enrich and add content to the otherwise silent walls of the monument, which often speaks volumes only to those who know how to read its history.

Opening: April 18 at 6 p.m.
The project will be on display until the end of summer.

More info:
Jani Pirnat, curator, phone: 03 42 65 156, e-mail: jani.pirnat@celje.si

Celeia Institute Celje - Center of Contemporary Arts Celje

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