
A fairytale hour with Jana Osojnikova

Best regards, story lovers! Also this Saturday, February 19, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom to listen to the reading of a selected book. As usual, we will also be joined this time by Mrs. Jana Osojnik, who lent her voice to many fairy-tale heroes that we know from...

Important information
otroška knjigarna Kres pod gradom, Krekov trg 2 (v stavbi Lutkovnega gledališča nasproti vzpenjače), , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Najlepše pozdravljeni, ljubitelji zgodbic!

Tudi to soboto, 19.2., vas ob 10.00 dopoldne vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom, da prisluhnete branju izbrane knjigice. Kot ponavadi, bo tudi tokrat z nami gospa Jana Osojnik, ki je posodila glas številnim pravljičnim junakom, ki jih poznamo z risank ali zvočnih zapisov.

Kindly invited!

The Kres pod gradom bookstore collective
contact: 041 338 808

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