
Lecture: Conservation and restoration of Japanese armor from the NMS collection

In 2002, conservation and restoration of Japanese armor took place in the conservation workshop. During the work, we learned about many characteristics of Japanese handicrafts, which is related to the present exhibition Japanese handicrafts. Modernity born from tradition, which is on display in NMS – Metelkova. The lecture will...

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Leta 2002 je v konservatorski delavnici potekalo konserviranje in restavriranje japonskega oklepa. Pri delu smo se spoznali z mnogimi značilnostmi japonske umetne obrti, kar se navezuje na pričujočo razstavo Japonska umetna obrt. Iz tradicije rojena sodobnost, ki je na ogled v  NMS – Metelkova. Na predavanju bodo predstavljeni zahtevni konservatorsko-restavratorski procesi na različnih materialih.

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