Winter is approaching, and with it also the time of the premier snowboard films of various productions, which show the best professional snowboarders and their tricks. The Rip Curl team is also presenting itself this year with its new film, Welcome home II. The surfers who will be present at the premiere filmed the film in Argentina, Scandinavia and...
Bliža se zima, s tem pa tudi čas premier snowboard filmov različnih produkcij, ki prikazujejo najboljše profesionalne deskarje in njihove trike. Tudi ekipa Rip Curl se letos predstavlja s svojim novim filmom, Welcome home II. Deskarji, ki bodo prisotni na premieri so film snemali v Argentini, Skandinaviji in v Alpah. Na premieri bodo delili tudi DVD-je filma, T-shirte in ostala privlačna darila, zabaval nas bo stand-up komik Joco Hud, za glasbeno podlago pa bo skrbel DJ Kustur.