The Courier is a suspenseful crime thriller that follows the story of Jack (played by John Cusack), a strongman who is chronically plagued by accidents, but still manages to maintain human compassion. His boss is a legendary criminal who hires him to do a simple but unusual task for him. With his mission accomplished and several men dead, Jack waits at the motel with a mysterious bag for his boss.
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Coliseum and Cineplexx
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4 € - 6€
Legendary crime boss Dragna hires him for a simple but unusual task. The plot is centered on the expected arrival Dragne, who called for some unknown reason Jack and a variety of suspicious specimens to this remote place. In a long, violent night full of events waiting for Expensive, se Jack happiness with Rivka, stunning beauty, whose life is physically and emotionally intertwined with Jack's. When Dragna finally arrives, with sudden and short-term consequences for everyone.