
Premiere: An Episode in the Life of an Iron Collector

Danis Tanović, Oscar winner for No Man's Land, made a moving docudrama based on a story from a black chronicle, in which a Roma family plays out an episode from their own lives. Grand Jury Prize and Best Actor Award in Berlin.

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4 € - 6€

A Roma settlement far from the urban centers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nazif supports the family by collecting scrap iron, while his pregnant wife Senada takes care of the home and their daughter. When Nazif returns from work one day, he finds Senado in pain. He borrows a car and takes her to the nearest medical center. The doctor tells them that the fetus is dead and immediately sends them to the hospital in Tuzla. But since Senada does not have health insurance, they are turned away from the hospital and finally they are forced to return home. For the next ten days, Nazif must do everything in his power to save his wife's life.

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An episode in the life of an iron collector
(Episode in the life of a metal beggar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, France, 2013)
Directed by: Danis Tanović. They play: Senada Alimanović, Nazif Mujić, Sandra Mujić, Šemsa Mujić.

8 April 2014, Kinodvor

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