
Premiere: The Face of Love

The biographical drama The Face of Love is the true story of porn baron Paul Raymond.

The true story of the legendary porn baron Paul Raymond, also known as the "King of Soh", who in 1958 opened the first strip club in Great Britain and put sex at the very center of pop culture at the time, and at the same time turned it into an extremely profitable business.

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4,25 € - 4,95 €

Raymond started his professional career as a mind reader in a second-rate cabaret spot. He soon noticed that the audience was more interested in his than he was sexy assistant and that they like it even more if the one above is without it. With an entrepreneurial spirit and the realization that sex sells, he began to build a mighty empire strip clubs, erotic magazines and variety shows, causing as much disgust as excitement.

Also Raymond's private life was exciting. His stormy marriage with a dancer and choreographer Jean ended when he met a woman twenty years younger Fiona, the future star of his erotic shows and the British sex symbol of the seventies. The greatest love of Raymond's life, however, was daughter Debbie, his business partner, closest confidante and rightful heir to his father's empire. After her tragic death at the age of 36, three weeks before he was named Britain's richest man, Raymond withdrew from public life.

And another interesting thing...
Paul Raymond, the British king of sinful entertainment, publisher of erotic magazines and real estate magnate, opened in 1958 the first private strip club in Great Britain defied all the laws of the time about showing off the naked body. Raymond, often described as Britain's version of Hugh Hefner, was the epitome of playboy elegance; he wore expensive, custom-made clothes, gold and silver jewelry, drove fast cars, drank the most expensive champagne, and was always in the company of one or two beauties. By the mid-1990s, he already owned so much of London's West End that he got his nickname "King of Soha" a whole new meaning.

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Biographical comedy drama
The face of love
(The Look of Love, Great Britain, 2013)
Directed by: Michael Winterbottom. They play: Steve Coogan, Anna Friel, Tamsin Egerton, Imogen Poots, Chris Addison, James Lance, Matthew Beard, Simon Bird.

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