
Premiere: Mother's Son

Big winner of the "French Oscars"! Guillaume Gallienne's autobiographical comedy won five of the ten categories in which it was nominated - it won the César for Best Film, Best Debut, Best Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Editing.

Important information
Coliseum and Cineplexx cinemas
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 4.25 to 6.55 euros

Ms. Gallienne, a rather temperamental upper-middle-class lady, has three children. He treats two as his own sons, and calls the third one Guillaume. The latter does not accept himself as a boy, he considers himself a girl or, at best, a homosexual. How can a mother act like this? And why? Through a series of events that connect like toppled dominoes, Guillaume gradually learns who he really is and withdraws from her harmful influence.

This is the story and cinematic masterpiece of a great French actor Guillaume Galliano, who plays two roles in the film, himself and his mother. To the script pen and director's stick, we can add the four hours of lipstick that was needed to transform Guillaum into his mother and an additional three hours to transform the child Guillaum into the adult Guillaum. The two months of filming were spent in constant changes of Guillaume from lead actor to screenwriter and director and back again. However, Guillaume never complained, on the contrary, he infected the entire team with his positive energy and emotional outlook on the world.

You can see some scenes from the film in the gallery below.

Info Box

Comedy Mama's son Les garçons et Guillaume, à table!, Belgium, France, 2013 Direction: Guillaume Gallienne. They play: Guillaume Gallienne, André Marcon, Françoise Fabian, Nanou Garcia, Diane Kruger, Reda Kateb, Götz Otto. 20.3., Colosseum & Cineplexx

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