
Preparations for summer

Spring hasn't even started yet, but most of us can admit that we are already thinking about hot summer, splashing in salt water, walking on heated sand and countless other activities that the warm summer weather has to offer. Here, of course, we must not forget the evening picnics by the fire and sports activities on...

Spring hasn't even started yet, but most of us can admit that we are already thinking about hot summer, splashing in salt water, walking on heated sand and countless other activities that the warm summer weather has to offer. Of course, we must not forget evening picnics by the fire and sports activities on and by the sea. In order to make planning and vacationing as pleasant as possible, it is good to equip yourself with clothes that you will enjoy to the maximum. Chiemsee has been making every moment a pleasure for many years. Let's pack long ones for the day boar shorts or swimming trunks, which are useful for many other things besides surfing and swimming, and colorful T-shirts with prints, and for the evening warm and comfortable hoodies, colorful jackets and checkered wide trousers. Everything finds its place in a large travel bag. All that remains is for us to choose the perfect destination.


Chiemsee, Hall 12, Šmartinaska 152, Ljubljana and www.infinitysport.net

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