
They're having fun at Twitter

Twitter // San Francisco

Gone are the days of white walls and stuffy office cubicles. More and more large companies are following Google and providing their employees with a dynamic work environment, which also contributes to productivity and efficiency.

Twitterjev globalni sedež is located in San Francisco, natančneje na 27 tisoč kvadratnih metrih površine zgodovinske stavbe Market Square from the year 1937. Prostore so zasnovali IA Interior Architects v sodelovanju z Lundberg Design.

Svetli, odprti prostori in skupni prostori za druženje they motivate pri delu in spodbujajo creativity. Poleg sejnih sob in pisarn imajo zaposleni na voljo tudi fitness and yoga studio, igralno sobo, veliko cafe in strešno teraso, ki se razteza na 2 tisoč kvadratnih metrih.

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.