
Prize draw: Jan Plestenjak's Valentine's concert with us

Jan Plestenjak

There is nothing better than spending Valentine's Day together. Romantic souls can pamper your better half with a concert by Jan Plestenjak. Compete for free tickets and surprise your better half in a very special way.

Valentine's Day this year, we can extend it right into Valentine's weekend, because after Valentine's Friday, a romantic Saturday is in the offing. How passionate it will be in Arena Play & Party in Ljubljana, where he will be one of the most desirable Slovenian musicians Jan Plestenjak took gentle souls from Hell to Paradise past Room 102 all the way to his many hits.

Answer the prize question and you might be one of two lucky winners to win two tickets to a romantic concert.

Only our Facebook followers can participate. Are you already following us?!

Prize question: What is the name of Jan Plestenjak's last album?

a) Bigger than the sky
b) All the way to the sky
c) Bigger than the sky

The prize draw was held until February 12.

The winners of the prize game "Valentine's concert by Jan Plestenjak" are: Tina Rajar and Zelda Kukic.

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Jan Plestenjak's Valentine's concert @ Arena Play & Party Ljubljana

February 15 at 10 p.m
Entrance fee: 14 euros in advance, 17 euros in regular sales.


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