
The project "100 people 100 wonders" is looking for the best slogan against intolerance

The flying bus has already flown into the seventh season of the 100 PEOPLE 100 WONDER project and is again looking for the best slogan against intolerance.

Important information
Various locations around Maribor
Entrance fee
Free entry

This year's workshops, which monitor the competition taking place on the topic "The world of the blind is full of imagination". At the locations of the mobile youth center - on the Flying Bus, young people will be given an experiential entry into the world of the blind and partially sighted with the help of simulation glasses, a talking clock, playing chess for the blind, sports games... Young people will be able to submit slogans at the locations where the Flying Bus is located in during the workshops, in the premises INFO-DUMor via e-mail info.dum@zpm-mb.si (indicating first and last name, age and contact).

The best slogans will be announced and awarded on November 15, the International Day of Tolerance, in the lobby of Kina Udarnik.
The best slogans will be announced and awarded on November 15, the International Day of Tolerance, in the lobby of Kina Udarnik.


Info Box

More information at:
– 14 and 15 October, at 1:00 p.m., Technical School Center
– October 16 and 17, at 1 p.m., Youth Park
– October 20 and 21, at 3 p.m., Lizika Jančar Student Home.
– 15.11., closing event, Kino Udarnik

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