
Project laboratory: Riko Mobile Units & KOTO Experiments exhibits

As part of the 23rd Design Biennale, ideas and results of collaboration between faculties, students and companies will be presented in two exhibitions in the Project Laboratory. Mobile units RikoRazstava shows the results of the workshop, which was prepared in cooperation between the company Riko híše and...

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Museum of Architecture and Design, Fužine Castle, Pot na Fužine 2, Ljubljana
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As part of the 23rd Design Biennale, ideas and results of collaboration between faculties, students and companies will be presented in two exhibitions in the Project Laboratory.

Riko mobile units
The exhibition shows the results of the workshop, which was prepared in cooperation between the company Riko hiše and the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana. New solutions of wooden mobile living units that adapt to different seasons, climatic conditions, locations and living needs of the individual are an interesting alternative to generic living units that do not take advantage of the natural features of the environment.

KOTO experiments
Three such different projects, such as 3M Nomad for the company Actinia in connection with 3M East, Lumpi and Ambient for the company Mercator, and the Armaron brand of the Department of Textile and Clothing Design of the Department of Textiles NTF UL combine a concrete invitation from the world of the Slovenian economy. Various materials, colors and designs have inspired reflections on their usefulness in furniture design, interior textile equipment and spatial and fashion accessories. All ideas share an openness to diverse ways of living and a connection with various customs and traditions. The creators accepted the opportunity to combine the design profession and the market approach as a challenge for an interdisciplinary grouping of fresh and innovative ideas.


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