
Proof that children are copies of their parents

Children who are the mirror image of their parents

As soon as a child is born, the usual debate begins about who it looks more like. Mom or dad? Sometimes a discussion is not necessary, because you can see from a mile away that the child is a clone of one of the parents. Or he's a time traveler. The following series of photos is proof that children are copies of their parents. Who did you inherit the look from?

Some of them children are mirror images of their parents. And when we watch them at the same age as their parents, it's like watching twins. Have you ever seen a family album while browsing? himself, but in reality it was about your father or mother?

READ MORE: Like mother, like daughter: proof that every daughter turns into her mother

View a gallery of family photos, portraits of parents and their children, who at the same age looked like twins. Who are you after? So are you copy your mother or father?

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