
Protect yourself, your family and be socially responsible: how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus?

Above all, we ourselves are the most important factor in the spread of viruses through our actions. By following these basic instructions, we will successfully overcome their spread.

The arrival of the coronavirus has brought about what we feared the most: panic. There is no need to panic, but consistency and strict adherence to the instructions in case of such infections is required. If we ignore this, the virus will spread even faster and it will be even more difficult to contain it! There is also a lot in our habits that, unfortunately, we cannot change overnight. This includes regular hand washing and traditional covering of the mouth when coughing and sneezing.

It is in Slovenia at the time of writing this article, 36 confirmed cases of infection, and the number will certainly grow. So it is up to us how well we manage to contain new infections. As competent institutions as we can we contribute to it, that the number of patients will be as small as possible. We can do this with following some basic guidelines, which we have heard many times these days. You know how the saying goes: practice makes perfect if the master practices.

Let's take care of personal hygiene

Washing hands should last at least 20 seconds
Washing hands should last at least 20 seconds.

We can never be 100% sure, that everything around us is clean. People touch different things, but unfortunately some people do not care about hygiene. That's why it's important to be after touching the handle, switch, buttons in public places... we wash our hands regularly. The washing should last at least 20 seconds, and at the same time soap and rub the entire palm and each finger separately. You can also wash with soap, which does not kill viruses and bacteria, but does flushes effectively. Alcohol disinfectant (concentration at least 60 percent) otherwise destroy, but regular use of alcohol disinfectants will dry out our skin fairly.

It is also wise to get used to do not touch your eyes with your bare fingers, the nose and mouth, even if we itch or cannot turn the next page in the newspaper. Touching the face is one of the main causes of infection.

Let's try to keep a distance from a person who is visibly sick

It's true that we can't know for sure what exactly is bothering the person in front of us, but if it shows visible signs of flu or cold (coughing and sneezing), it's a bit smart from her withdraw. This is the only way to prevent possible infection. If we cough ourselves, we must in every way to prevent the spread of disease through the air (so by coughing). This can be mitigated by coughing into your sleeve, which will intercept all the cough drops that might otherwise end up in the air. We also avoid touching objects, which are also touched by others.

If we are sick, let's stay home

We call the personal doctor first
We call the personal doctor first.

We can conclude that we are infected with the new coronavirus when it appears fever and dry cough. We add to that feeling tired and difficulty breathing. In this case we must stay at home and se we avoid contact with family members. Immediately we contact the personal doctor, who will direct us to the nearest collection center. Under no circumstances should we go to the doctor or collection center on our own initiative and mingle among the people in the waiting room.

Following these instructions is crucial to preventing the spread of infection, but quite a few people in Slovenia broke these basic rules. By doing something unwise, like going straight to the doctor without a prior appointment, we make it possible for even more people to get infected.

Masks are not the best solution (for healthy people)

The mask is not effective for healthy people
The mask is not effective for healthy people.

Another phenomenon that has occurred due to the coronavirus is the domestic stockpiling of protective masks. Here again, it must be emphasized that masks, if we are healthy, they won't help absolutely nothing. Normal surgical masks are fine just a few hours before they are moistened and become due to respiration an ideal environment for the development of bacteria. Masks come into play only for already ill individuals, as they provide an additional barrier in preventing the spread of cough infection.

If there is a need to use a mask (that is, if we are already infected), they are those labeled N95 are most suitable (they are capable block 95 percent of fine particles). However, we must not buy them headlong because of the stock. This reduces the supply of masks on the market, which causes their price to rise astronomically. Doctors who urgently need these masks do not have access to them. So you can we do far more harm than good by stockpiling.

A month's supply for a possible mass outbreak?

In extreme cases, a monthly supply is not a bad idea
In extreme cases, a monthly supply is not a bad idea.

Why not? The coronavirus has honestly paralyzed Italy, which is in complete quarantine. It is more than obvious that the authorities are accelerating their efforts to contain the infection. If there is a mass outbreak in our country (that is, if people do not follow all the prescribed instructions), a similar thing can also happen in Slovenia.

Buying some supplies of food and medicine for a month is not such a bad idea. This will fill our stomachs even if we are infected and in home isolation. So we are also respectful to the traders, because there is this kind of stock best to buy then, while we are still healthy. Cashier people they expose their health every day so that we can shop. Let's be fair to them.

Let's try to postpone the vacation

Even if we have been expecting a vacation in Italy since last year, we prefer it let's postpone it for a while. The same goes for any other problematic destinations you find here.

Let's be informed

Although the news is not the most encouraging right now and would be the easiest to ignore, it is important to know, what is happening around the world and in our vicinity. It is necessary to follow to all new instructions from official institutions both here and abroad, because that's the only way we'll gain enough knowledge to be a virus successfully defeated. It doesn't hurt to follow credible foreign media as well.

The vaccine is progressing well, but another year or so is needed
The vaccine is progressing well, but another year or so is needed.

As for the vaccine, a huge number of laboratories around the world started developing it. Although scientists are developing a vaccine pretty good, we are distant from him at least another year or so. Of course, there is a lot of interest in its development, as the coronavirus not only affects people's health and well-being, but also severely crippled the economy and tourism.

It's the coronavirus a huge test for all of us. It teaches us how to act when viruses are spreading outside. And not only coronaviruses, but also flu virus, cold and the rest. The above-mentioned instructions on washing hands and being careful not to infect others with unwise actions, they apply to all infectious diseases. So we can learn a lot from the current situation! Let's just hope this lesson doesn't require too many sacrifices!

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