
Proven: if you have a dog, cat, fish, horse... you are a better person!

They love you the way you are!

Who will always be happy for you when you come home? Who will lick your tears no matter what you've done? Who listens to your problems without interrupting you? Who looks at you with big sad eyes when you're feeling down?

House pets they will always love you unconditionally.

When you're in a relationship, your partner isn't always available or willing to reassure you in a way that suits you. Instead of starting an argument, hug your pet, who will comfort you with his presence in the simplest and most sincere way.

Here is five science-backed reasons, why pets help you be a better person.

You better sleep

Research have shown that people sleep better when a pet sleeps next to them. But only if he sleeps on the bed at your feet or on a pillow near you, and not under the covers, because then he will disturb your sleep by moving around. Feel safer. It calms you down.

You are kinder

Have you noticed that when you are out with your pet, many people smile at you or even strike up a conversation? Pets to you they help you interact with other people.

You better sleep.
You better sleep.

Your mood and health improve

Research have shown that pets are good therapy. They reduce anxiety and depression and encourage you to be physically active. If you are so "lazy" when you have a dog, you should get up and go for a walk with it. There is no other option.

Get rid of stress

Research have shown that petting a dog or any other animal is an anti-stress therapy without side effects. It doesn't matter if it comes from another person or your pet, touch is a sense of closeness, confidentiality, acceptance and love and has a beneficial effect on people's psychophysical well-being.

Did you know that hugging releases oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress? So, go ahead and hug your pet to make both of you feel great.

Research has shown that petting a dog or any other animal is an anti-stress therapy without side effects.
Research has shown that petting a dog or any other animal is an anti-stress therapy with no side effects.

Learn consistency

Like humans, animals need consistent instructions and limits to understand what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Daily walks, feeding, playing, thereby also teach yourself responsibility, routine and consistency.

Pets are like family, so take good care of them, their love for you is something priceless.

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