
Proven! Mobile phones do not cause cancer!

Mobile phones do not cause cancer!

Mobile phones do not cause cancer! Feeling relieved? We were scared for a long time, the opinions of experts varied, but now we finally got a definite answer to a question that has puzzled us since the advent of mobile phones. Researchers from the Australian University of Sydney found no connection between cancer and mobile phone use. Still in doubt? They hold quite powerful cards in their hands.

Mobile phones they don't cause cancer! News of the decade? Given that we have today practically sew the phones on your hands, it is definitely important news. It was provided by researchers from an Australian university University of Sydney, who are convinced that mobile phones are completely harmless to health. In an extensive study, they found that there is no link between brain cancer and cell phone use, disproving the suspicion of many people who are convinced that mobile phones emit radiation and thereby cause cancer.

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Great news! Mobile phones do not cause cancer!
Great news! Mobile phones do not cause cancer!

The harmlessness was proven by a research that lasted just 29 years old (from year 1982 to 2013), and the results showed that the rate of people suffering from brain cancer is at the same level as before the advent of mobile phones. The number did not increase during this time in any age group, except among people aged 70 to 84, but the rise began before the advent of cell phones.

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