Photo: Tiago Felipe / Unsplash

Proven: it takes a man that much time to fall in love - and that much time to admit his feelings

You are interested in how much time a man needs to "clean up" his feelings, to fall in love and admit it to himself! This is an amazing truth, a recent study found!

Men are more shy than women when it comes to expressing their feelings, but they fall in love much faster. So how long does it take a man to fall in love and how long to admit his feelings?

2,000 pairs, who have been happily in love for a year, participated in the company's survey VoucherCloud, in which they were asked how quickly they fell in love and confess their feelings. And the results are extremely interesting, if we consider the principle that in our society there is a stereotype that when it comes to falling in love, women are too quick to express emotions and attachment to a partner.

How long did yours take?
How long did yours take?

Love can sometimes be stressful if a partner there is no way he can profess love, but the person on the other side somehow expects, that it will happen soon. It is important not to put pressure on your loved one because everyone needs their own time. This is also proven by the research results!

The study found that women need five months, to fall in love while men fall in love in the first two months. And when did they confess their feelings? Women needed six months, throw when the men confessed their feelings barely after nine months relations.

Men fall in love faster!
Men fall in love faster!

As experts point out, each person is individual, which means that everyone emotes in a different way, but most couples are initially just passionate, does not love. And it can also happen that the partners do not fall in love at the same time - just 60 % couples felt the pressure, when it professed love, because they are expected the same words from a loved one.

And the sad news: a third of the participants admitted that they had declared their love, without really feeling it.

It is interesting that most couples professed their love in Christmas and spring time. If this is to be believed, now is the best time to say the magic words I LOVE YOU.

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