
Prrrofesionalci: The world's first cat recruitment agency opened in Slovenia!

The world's first cat-based employment agency - Prrrofesionalci.com - has opened in Slovenia. The founder and director is the well-known Slovenian actor and presenter Jože Robežnik. It is a brave and innovative project, which is nevertheless supported by market research.

We visited Jože Robežnik in his renovated office outside Bežigrad in Ljubljana. We were immediately surprised by the view of the waiting room, where half a dozen happy cat candidates and owners were already waiting. Despite this, Jože took a few minutes to share with us the story of the first feline recruitment agency.

“Business is booming. In recent months, we exceeded all projections for this quarter by more than half," explains Jože. He says that the rooms of Prrrofesionalec are visited daily by the trunks of cats and their owners. "There is already a need for new personnel with a good nose and sense for cats. The right staff must be able to recognize the potential of every cat candidate," says Robežnik, who believes that every cat has a hidden talent that just needs to be discovered and nurtured.

He is aware that the idea of a staffing agency for cats is very unusual, but he explains that previous market research has shown that there is a need for such services in Slovenia. Slovenian consumers now have access to an alternative and cheaper solution to their everyday problems, and the company also does not rule out the possibility of expanding to foreign markets, especially neighboring ones.

"I am surprised by the openness of Slovenian consumers and the positive response we receive every day. I am truly grateful for this, as it is a key and practically the only factor in the success of our new business model." Like most modern business models, Prrrofesionals primarily focus on doing business online. On the website www.prrrofesionalci.com you can see all kinds of cats that will do various everyday and slightly less everyday tasks for you. You can also register your cat's services right through the site and offer them to others.

With the project, Jože Robežnik proves once again that Slovenia is a land of brave and enterprising individuals who can use unconventional ideas to build new business models for future generations.

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