
PS3 slim

  Slimming is all the rage, especially with game consoles. On the first day of school, the Playstation 3 became 34 % lighter, 33 % smaller, and also consumes 34 % less electricity. The secret lies in the processor, which is now manufactured in 45 nm technology instead of 65 nm, as it was before. However, this does not...


Slimming is all the rage, especially with gaming consoles. On the first day of school, the Playstation 3 became 34 % lighter, 33 % smaller, and also consumes 34 % less electricity. The secret lies in the processor, which is now manufactured in 45 nm technology instead of 65 nm, as it was before. That doesn't mean faster performance, though, as the hardware is expected to remain mostly the same. But in order not only to shrink in all directions, Sony increased the capacity of the hard disk to 120 GB.

Price: 399 euros, available from authorized dealers


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