
PS4 vs Xbox One – The epic battle of gaming consoles continues this fall

Nintendo and Sega were the undisputed kings of console video games until the Playstation 2 was born, at which point the battle was decided in favor of Sony. This fall, the battle continues and the main players are PS4 and Xbox One

Nintendo (GameCube), Sega (Dreamcast) and Microsoft (Xbox) burned down infamously. The victorious march continued with reincarnation "doubles" when they presented PS3 with the player BlueRay. Leaving aside Wii, which refreshed the competition the most, made it the hardest Microsoft with Xbox 360.

PS4 console trailer

Xbox One trailer

And this epic battle will continue this year as they battle it out again for the most coveted Christmas gift PS4 and Xbox One. It goes without saying that it would be best to have both.

See also the comparison of PS4 and Xbox One vs… for the game Battle Field

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