
Psychological test: does he like you?

Photo: envato

Answer the questions and find out if he sees you as a wife or as a friend.

Sometimes a person sends us signals that we cannot interpret. We like her, we enjoy her company, but we are not sure that the feelings are mutual.

Sometimes the gesture makes you think he's indifferent, and other times he likes you.

1. Does he remember what you talked to him about and bring it up often?

A. It seems to me that he listens to me when I speak, but he does not show it in any particular way.
B. Yeah, she seems to remember all these little things like the food I like or the random stories I mentioned.
C. He is often distracted.

2. Does he sometimes touch you for no particular reason?

A. No.
B. Yes, it happens all the time. Sometimes I feel like he's just gently stroking me with his hand, and sometimes he's even brushing my hair off my face.
C. Yes, but it seems more like a friendly touch to me.


3. Does he make eye contact during the conversation?

A. Yes. But I'm never sure what he's thinking at that moment.
B. Yes, and sometimes he looks at my lips.
C. It happens.

4. Have you ever hugged?

A Yes, it's nice, I liked it.
B. Yes, intense and intimate.
C. Yes, quick greetings.


5. Is he ever the first to text you?

A. I'm usually the one who sends the message and I always reply to it.
B. Yes, he asks a lot and often writes random things. Sometimes he confides in me.
C. Occasionally he tells me some funny story or his plans.

6. Does he find ways to get close to you?

A. No, I didn't notice.
B. Yes. When we talk, he stands a little closer to me than most people.
C. Yes, it seems kind of spontaneous.


7. Does he seem nervous when he is with you?

A. Sometimes I get the impression that he might be a little uncomfortable.
B. Maybe. I noticed that he occasionally licks his lips or touches the glass during the conversation.
C. No, he is relaxed with me.

8. What happens when he sees you?

A. He smiles and waves.
B. He smiles and spreads his arms to hug me.
C. He smiles slightly.


9. Does he have time for you?

A. We hang out, but I don't feel like he's trying.
B. Yes, he asks to hang out, and if commitments don't allow it, he tries to move them.
C. We see each other occasionally, but not a lot.

10. They walk down the street together. Where is he?

A. In front of me.
B. Right next to me, our hands sometimes touch.
C. Close to me, but not too close.


Most answers under A

He looks indifferent. By all accounts, he doesn't seem attracted to you or sending you signals. That's not to say it can't ever happen, but there's no point in putting in the effort and wasting your time on someone who doesn't have the guts to say it out loud to you, or who can't see how great you are as a person. He must first resolve certain issues with himself.

Most answers under B

He is definitely attracted to you. He sends you signals with his open body language and the way he speaks. If he smiles when he looks at you, touches you while communicating with you, this is definitely a sign that he really enjoys being with you and thinks that you are a person who makes him feel nice and comfortable.

Most answers under C

He sees you as a friend. He thinks you are very ok and he likes you, but his feelings are more friendly. If you are interested as a partner, try to let him know. If you see that your feelings are not reciprocated, do not be disappointed. It's rare to have a true friend these days, take it as a blessing.

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