
PUF – International Puppet Festival

Until August 28, as part of the Puf puppet festival in Koper, Izola, Piran, Dekani and Ankaran, we will be able to watch around thirty performances, which, with the help of puppets, bring improvements to seaside towns to both adults and children in interesting locations, mostly outdoors. Most artists from...

Important information
Ukmarjev trg, Pristaniška ulica, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Do 28. avgusta bomo lahko v okviru lutkovnega festivala Puf v Kopru, Izoli, Piranu, Dekanih in Ankaranu spremljali okoli trideset predstav, ki s pomočjo lutk tako odraslim kot otrokom na zanimivih lokacijah, večinoma na prostem, prinašajo nadgradnjo obmorskih mest. Večina artistov iz desetih evropskih držav se lutkovnih predstav loteva na alternativen način, saj jim dodaja nove elemente.

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