
Put these 5 things in the bedroom and your love life will blossom again

Photo: envato

Have you ever imagined that the arrangement of your bedroom can affect your love life? We have a solution for you, how to arrange the bedroom to attract beautiful moments.

How to arrange a bedroom?! According to Feng Shui, the bedroom is key to creation harmonious relationships. How can you with simple changes attract positive energy and improve your love life?

How to arrange a bedroom for more love

The bedroom is a place where let's relax, we find inner peace and build connections with our loved ones. However, negative energy in this space can affect our relationships with each other, especially our love life.

Feng Shui the ancient Chinese art of arranging space can help us improve energy flow in the bedroom.

Consider the following items that will raise your vibration and attract positive change.

If possible, the bedroom should be free of electronic devices. Photo: Freemockupsorg / Pexels

How to arrange a bedroom - what should you pay attention to?

The maximum bed size is 200x150 cm

A smaller bed encourages intimacy and connection with your partner. An oversized bed can bring discord and distance. Choose the right size bed to maintain closeness and harmony in the relationship.

Two bedside tables

They symbolize balance and connection in a partnership. Regardless of your partner status, place two nightstands next to the bed, which communicates the desire for harmonious relationships.

Do you have two bedside tables in your bedroom? Photo: Terry Magallanes / Pexels

Two rose quartz crystals

Rose quartz crystal is known for attracting love and harmony. Place it in your bedroom to promote good emotional relationships, trust and love.

Etheric oils

Create a relaxing environment with the help of essential oils. Lavender and cedar are great choices for the bedroom as they calm the spirit and create a positive atmosphere for love.

Goods for covering electronic devices

Reduce the impact of electronic devices on your sleep. Cover the TV or computer with a neutral colored natural fabric to separate yourself from disturbing energy and maintain a restful sleep.

Each of these objects has its own according to Feng Shui role in improving energy in the bedroom. Try incorporating them into your space and watch your love life respond to the positive changes.

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