
Q Bracelet: a bracelet that elegantly charges our smartphone

There is probably no mobile phone owner who would not like their smartphone's battery to last at least a little longer. In order to avoid the unpleasant beeping of an almost empty device and charging "behind the bar", we will now charge the battery in a stylishly perfect way with the Q Bracelet.

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Q Designs
Q Bracelet
The price

Goodbye dead battery! There is a startup here Q Designs, where they recently launched their first product – a stylish bracelet Q Bracelet, which no fashion connoisseur and mobile phone owner would resist.

The minimalist bracelet, which is suitable for both Android and iOS operating systems, hides a battery and a connector inside, which charge our mobile phone by a surprising 60 percent. It is available in black, silver and gold and is suitable for both genders.

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More information: www.qdesigns.co

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