
Hutko cottages

Although summer is saying goodbye, autumn still offers enough sun and beautiful days to arrange the garden and play for our little ones. We can build the Hutka according to our choice, as far as our imagination allows. So we can add a sandbox to our house, increase the terrace, add a swing or...

Although summer is saying goodbye, autumn still offers enough sun and beautiful days to arrange the garden and play for our little ones. We can build the Hutka according to our choice, as far as our imagination allows. Thus, we can add a sandpit to our house, enlarge the terrace, add a swing or a slide, various climbing frames and more and more. You can choose the color of our hut yourself, which is painted with nature-friendly colors. Hutkas are exactly the kind of houses that would be moved from the land of Huthut. These are not just ordinary playhouses with slides, they are much more, as they are part of the Hutko project, which is intended for children. The Hutko project is getting bigger and stronger every day, with child-friendly companies and individuals joining it. Thus, the Hutko project today offers external players, a radio story and an animator's Hutko. You can find more about the Hutkis, the inhabitants of the land of Huthut, their friends and much more on their website, where you can build a house according to your taste.




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