
“Rainy Pot”: “Rainy” pots for flowers

"Rain" flower pots

With the cute "Rainy Pot" flower pots, we give flowers private rain clouds. The hanging "rain" flower pots have a built-in system for watering flowers in the form of a cloud, which turns water into raindrops.

Basic information
Daily Life lab
Rainy Pot
The price
16,50 €

Cute hanging flower pots "Rainy Pot" designed by to Daily Life Lab, have a built-in system for watering flowers in the form of a cloud. A flower planted in a cute flower pot is watered by pouring water into the filter opening at the top of the cloud. This is designed to turn water into raindrops that evenly "rain" on the flower and provide it with the necessary liquid for growth.

Cute and above all functional flower pots can be bought through the online store Amazon.

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