
Rally of vintage vehicles

The meeting of the owners of vintage vehicles is interesting in itself for all of us who are attracted by the design and technical innovations of the past. The event, where vintage vehicles also compete with each other, where the main trump card is not only speed, it is even more...

Important information
Ajdovščina Airport, Goriška cesta 50, Ajdovščina
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The meeting of the owners of vintage vehicles is interesting in itself for all of us who are attracted by the design and technical innovations of the past. The event, where vintage vehicles also compete with each other, where the main trump card is not only speed, is all the more attractive. Among the beauties, we can expect cars older than šsixty years, some even from the period before World War II, when the first cars appeared in Europe. It is the oldest vehicle in the society that organizes the rally 1924 Dodge Roadster. 

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