
The ranking of the 20 best beers in the world based on the invention of a Slovenian scientist

Experts from Stanford University - one of them a Slovenian dr. Jure Leskovec - studied the evolution of the taste of beer lovers last year, as they wanted to find out how they could recommend a sample of 'green gold' to the beer drinker with the greatest possible success and hit their taste. One of the 'verdicts' of the study is that connoisseurs have an affinity for flavors that are beyond the taste range of a novice, and based on the ratings of beer 'users' on the ratebeer.com website, a list of the best 20 was created. The list that is being published these days all world media. Namely, the beer drinking season is at its peak!

Taste a drinker is modeled over time, which is a rather vague explanation of what the journey from novice to expert is like. Graduate student Julian McAuley and assistant professor Jure Leskovec that's why they set up a website RateBeer, which allowed them to separate the connoisseur from the beginner, and they were fed up with opinions beer drinkers about a certain beer brew.

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They assessed the level of 'knowledge' according to the number of ratings given individual and how they 'performed' in comparison to the assessments of other, major or minor experts. The beers went through 3 million opinion sites and it is in front of you list of 20s (from the last to the first), which drinkers have the most in numbers.

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