
Raw food in the form of 98 perfect cubes

Cubes of food

Can you imagine if all food were the same shape? Dutch artists Lernert and Sander offer us a great example of a better show, as they cut a variety of raw food into 98 perfect cubes.

The Netherlands of the artist Lernert and Sander took on a new project and cut the food into 98 perfect dice.

98 perfect dice
98 perfect dice

With perfect size cubes 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 centimeters cut from raw fruit, vegetables, meat and fish conjured up a torturous show for all the hungry perfectionists out there.

Raw food cubes
Raw food cubes

Artists who have been working with various experiments, related to food, were also observed in a Dutch newspaper Volkskrant and introduced them to the general public – us too.

The art of food experimentation
The art of food experimentation

The two artists have been working together for years 2007, when they embarked on their first project, in which they studied how many different ways we can step chocolate bunny. Interesting video, in which we can see the "twinkles" of the chocolate bunny accompanied by a pleasant musical background here.

Publication in Volkskrant magazine
Publication in Volkskrant magazine

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