
Rawman 3000 is a walkman for vinyl records!

Rawman 3000

The love for turntables just doesn't go away and the sale of gramophone records or. vinyl has been on the rise in recent years. The musical medium from which music is extracted by a needle has become a concept of nostalgia and with the Rocket and Wind product, a walkman for vinyl records or with the Rawman 3000 portable turntable, it will only flare up even more, as it combines the good old Walkman/Diskman format and the most romantic sound carrier.

Design agency Rocket and Wink is with a portable gramophone or Rawman 3000 vinyl walkman created a product that music fans didn't even know they needed. Enables playback three sizes of LP records (three versions of the player) and is so convenient that you can carry it around like you did with walkman or disc player.

READ MORE: The biggest record collector in the world: the Brazilian magnate wants to buy all the vinyl in the world

Rawman 3000 somehow we operate mechanically and it can also be connected to speakers. It boasts of USB interface, Bluetooth technology, antenna, smart card and strap for comfortable carrying.

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