
Research uncovers how women experience their first period

Getting ready for your first period is more complicated than it should be, says research.

Entering puberty is a time when parents should talk to their daughter about the physical changes she will soon face as a woman. But many girls for the first time, not knowing what menstruation is, see a red spot on their underwear and get scared. Research says getting ready for your first period is more complicated than it should be.

You probably remember, that your first period didn't look like v American films, where mother and daughter laugh and rejoice. But on the contrary - fear, questioning and shame. The results of the new research are also consistent with this picture OnePull and Diva International Inc., in which they studied first menstrual experience in 2000 women.

What was the first menstrual experience of 2000 women?
What was the first menstrual experience of 2000 women?

Women were not mere surprised at the first laundry, but they also didn't know what to do. A third were women confused, one in four women admitted that she was not prepared for this experience at all, while it is 43 percent of women were scared.

Women did not know how to behave at the first wash.
Women did not know how to behave at the first wash.

Half of the surveyed women over the age of 50 said that they do they did not talk to anyone about their first menstrual experience and were not adequately informed about it. But the good news is that women are among them Between the ages of 18 and 24, she had such conversations with someone. One out of ten women in this age group said that Fr they also talk to their fathers during menstruation.

Younger women had conversations about menstruation.
Younger women had conversations about menstruation.

Although there is a long way to go to destigmatize menstruation, statistics show that it is on the way younger generations have a more positive view of the menstrual cycle, because they don't understand it as a taboo, but as part of it a female body that should be celebrated and not despised.

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