
Real bunnies as a smartphone cover

Bunnies as smartphone cases

If you thought the worst and accused the Japanese of cruelty, let us reassure you right from the start. The bunnies in the photo are alive and well and not stuffed. No one was harmed in the making of these photos. It's just a weird trend that has spread in Japan, because the Japanese wouldn't be Japanese if they weren't obsessed with a weird trend.

If you see a bizarre ad, innovation or trend, you know it comes from Japan. Smartphone cases in the form of animals are nothing new, but The Japanese they went even further. The Japanese, of course. For case they chose real rabbits.

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Don't worry, rabbits they are not stuffed, which you must have thought of at first. The reality is much less cruel. She's downright adorable. As the Japanese found out, there are bunnies that many people there have for pets, the perfect smartphone case and many photos prove it.

Gallery - bunnies as a smartphone cover:

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