
Real jobs you wouldn't believe existed

Flexible working hours, plenty of opportunities to travel, and the freedom to follow our passions, these three qualities describe a dream job for many people. How would you like your dream job to look like? Here's a selection of real jobs you wouldn't believe existed.

If you have trouble getting out of your hotel bed in the morning, I would be hotel bed tester just right for you. Yes, it is a real job, which allows you to travel the world and rate accommodations based on comfort, service, and overall experience. But only the most Pikolovski will meet the conditions for the job of the hotel bed tester. A job with an average annual salary of 55,000 euros.

Service of a hotel bed tester.
Service of a hotel bed tester.

Another ideal job with which you travel the world is Google Street View photographer, a job where you have to take stunning panoramic shots from the most extreme locations in the world. The only downside to this job is that you have to carry an 18 kg camera on your back all the time to photograph the locations.

This is what the Google Street View photographer service looks like.
This is what the Google Street View photographer service looks like.

If you would like a slightly more relaxed job, it is here service tequilier. This is someone who spreads knowledge about tequila and hosts regular tastings at luxury resorts. In short, the job is very similar to a wine expert, and their annual income is between 70 and 145 thousand euros. The most relaxed service in our selection it's a job horticultural therapist. It is a job where the aforementioned therapists use plants and the environment to help their patients overcome various illnesses and disabilities. Even with this job, the annual earnings are not bad, as a horticultural therapist earns between 22 and 57 thousand euros per year.

The service of a horticultural therapist.
The service of a horticultural therapist.

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