
Real superheroes - people with supernatural powers caught on camera

Supernatural powers caught on camera.

Do you believe in supernatural forces? After watching this video, you definitely will! While superheroes and characters with special powers have been regularly seen on the big screen in recent years, there are real superheroes walking among us who successfully hide their 'superpowers'. But some were caught on camera…

Who doesn't like it? stories about the supernatural? Every time there is a video that we can't explain, many theories come up. Most of the time it's a hoax, but it's hard to argue with the videos you'll see below. Have these people for real supernatural powers?

READ MORE: 6 people with real "superpowers" that science can't explain

Do you believe that people with supernatural powers live among us?
Do you believe that people with supernatural powers live among us?

Even if you don't believe in the 'super powers' of individuals, they will unexplained footage ate long into the night. And just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's not possible.

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