
A real witch invented hair dye that changes shades by itself

On Instagram, we often come across photos of beautiful multi-colored hairstyles, which we think are pure magic. Well, now we've actually found out that it just might be real magic. A real witch has just invented a hair dye that changes shades depending on the temperature in the surroundings.

No, we are not exaggerating when we say it is Lauren Bowker witch. She told Dazed that she was occultism has always been interested in and that she has always loved to create with things around her, without even realizing what she was actually doing.
Although Lauren does practice magic, for her inventions uses science. She is the one who created headphones with precious stones for Swarovski, in which brain activity changes colors of these precious stones. She is also the inventor of the jacket which changes color depending on heat, sound or even air pollution in the surroundings. All these inventions are part of its pioneering brand THEUNSEEN.

READ MORE: Women's hairstyles 2017: 8 top colors for this spring

Now, Lauren has also 'got' her hair dye. And how does this color work? When the heat reaches the pigments in the paint, it changes. A case of chemical reaction. So if we are indoors, we have one hair color, and if we are outdoors, we have another hair color. The color red, for example, is very popular in the wind change to blue.
Who wouldn't love this witch?

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