
When is a woman truly beautiful and not just "sexy"?

What is it that makes a woman truly beautiful? "Beautiful" is a strong word that we don't use as lightly as, for example, "sexy", "cute" and similar words that we use when describing a woman. It is a word that has power and prestige far beyond any other adjective. This is the word that makes women go for plastic surgery and extreme diets. This is the basic desire of every woman. But beauty is much more than just looks. It is that something, that mystical quality of the soul that can turn an asymmetrical face into something most beautiful in the world. So what is it that makes a woman truly beautiful?

What makes a woman truly beautiful?

1. A woman's beauty is determined by her passions, not her looks.

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with passion. A girl who is immensely pleased by certain things, lives for them and carries them within herself is a girl worth getting to know. Passion is contagious and one of the most beautiful qualities we can find in someone.

2. A beautiful woman shows her true face.

Women have the right to wear makeup, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, a beautiful woman has no need to hide behind them. A beautiful woman does not put on makeup for others, but for herself - this means that she knows that she does not have to adapt her appearance to the masses.

3. A beautiful woman does not seek attention.

A beautiful woman does not compete for her place in the spotlight. The attractiveness of a beautiful woman lies in the fact that she does not have to work hard or fight for attention. She's confident and humble, which is usually something mysterious, and that's what attracts people.

A beautiful woman does not seek attention.
A beautiful woman does not seek attention.

4. A beautiful woman knows how to speak, how to express herself.

A woman who knows how to express her thoughts intelligently charms us with her words and opinions and proves that intelligence is the most beautiful thing. Intelligence is "sexy" and words have the power to turn any girl into a dream woman.

5. A beautiful woman can be alone.

A woman who does not need a man is confident in herself - and confidence in herself is the key to true beauty. A woman who does not need the approval of others acts confidently and her attitude elevates her from the status of "sexy" to "beautiful".

READ MORE: 10 qualities that men absolutely do not like in women!

6. A beautiful woman is of few words.

There is nothing more interesting than mysterious women, those who keep their affairs private and unnecessary words to themselves. A beautiful woman is full of surprises and becomes even more beautiful when we get to know her.

A beautiful woman is of few words.
A beautiful woman is of few words.

7. A beautiful woman is selfless.

Beauty is hidden in those who do not only take care of themselves. A truly beautiful woman is compassionate and caring. She will never hesitate to show that she doesn't care. "Sexy" girls play with men's hearts, beautiful girls fix them.

8. A beautiful woman is open.

Beauties never limit themselves. They are open to new ideas, places and people. They are not repulsed even by things that are full of stigma and fear. Women are beautiful in their boldness and their understanding of the world.

9. A beautiful woman has a soul.

A beautiful woman radiates her beautiful soul. She is not beautiful because of the makeup on her face or because of her shiny hair, she is beautiful because of what is inside her, and that is what invites us to be near her.

A beautiful woman has a soul.
A beautiful woman has a soul.

10. A beautiful woman has "that something".

This is a thing that cannot be placed. This is "that something" that cannot be expressed, let alone described. It is something special about her and the defining characteristic of a beautiful woman, the one thing that can never be fully described.

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