
REC Watches P-51: Watches made from vintage Mustangs

REC Watches P-51

There have always been strong connections between a good watch and a good car, and the two spheres have always been intertwined. It is already the case that those who like cars also like wristwatches in most cases and vice versa. They may be driven by a passion for precision and mechanical symmetry, or they may simply be a well-connected pair, such as bread and milk.

Watch makers REC Watches they love both and have taken their passion so far that they make their watches out of old cars. They especially focused on classic Ford Mustangs. The collection is called P-51 and the hours are straight fantastic. Mustang and other classic car enthusiasts can be appeased here. Don't worry, they make watches only from written off cars, which can no longer be revived. In this way, even classics left to decay experience a renaissance.

They add the year of manufacture of the car to each watch and his serial number. The personalization of the watch does not end there, the company goes one step further. They try to find as much information as possible from the previous owners about the car from which they made the watch, and then for each watch they record a video, in which they present the history of the car from which the watch is made. With the variety of cars and materials available, each hour is unique unique, although they all follow the same design plan. Battery life is shown as fuel gauge, and the rest of the hour reminds of Mustang gauges from the driver's instrument panel. The watch can also be made to order if the owners send a part of the car they own. The price of the watches in the P-51 collection is starts at US$1,495, but if you are more of a fan of the Porsche and Mini brands, you can consider a watch from a Porsche 911 or Mini Cooper.


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