
Recipe: Greek style baked chicken

Photo: envato

How many times have you had chicken meat at home and didn't know what to make of it? How about roasted chicken with yogurt marinade?

Get your taste buds ready for this Mediterranean recipe: Greek Roasted Chicken! If you want a meal that's easy and doesn't require a lot of skill, since most of the work will be done in the oven, then you should definitely - you should - try making this specialty!

Greek-style roast chicken

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • chicken meat (fillets / drumsticks) 4 pieces
  • 1 Greek yogurt
  • lemon
  • oregano
  • pepper
  • finely chopped garlic
  • spoon of olive oil


  1. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients except the chicken to make the marinade. We recommend that you also grate the lemon peel for a more intense flavor. You mix all the ingredients.
  2. Then place the chicken fillets in a large plastic bag and cover with the marinade. Shake well so that the meat is completely soaked. Let it stand for at least half an hour to absorb the aroma as much as possible.
  3. Put everything in a fireproof baking dish and bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Don't forget to turn the meat so it cooks evenly.
Your juicy chicken is ready!

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