
Recipe: divine banana split cake without baking

Can you imagine that the banana split that we loved in childhood would now be made as a cake? You can, but it's extremely simple. Here's a recipe for a divine, no-bake banana split cake.

Here you can find the recipe and preparation process for divine banana split cake, which will take you back to your childhood.

Banana split cake will take you back to your childhood.
Banana split cake will take you back to your childhood.

Ingredients for banana split cake:

  • 12 cornets
  • 6 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 3 bananas, sliced
  • 950 g of softened chocolate ice cream
  • 950 g of softened vanilla ice cream
  • 950 g of softened strawberry ice cream
  • whipped cream
  • chopped peanuts
  • chocolate syrup
  • maraschino cherry

Preparation of banana split cake:

Break the cones into smaller pieces and put them in the multi-purpose bowl. Mix until crumbs form. Pour in the melted butter and mix for another 20 seconds to create a homogeneous mixture. Spread the dough for the crust on a cake pan (diameter 25 cm) and use a spatula for an even layer. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes. Spread the sliced bananas over the crust and cover with chocolate ice cream. Freeze for 20 minutes. Repeat the same with strawberry ice cream, freeze for 20 minutes. Add vanilla ice cream and freeze for 1 hour. Remove the pan and slice the cake. Garnish with whipped cream, chopped peanuts, cherry and chocolate syrup. Have a good run!

Preparation of banana split cake you can also watch in the attached video:

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