
Recipe: Brazilian cheese breads - salty snack no. 1 during the Rio 2016 Olympics

Recipe - Brazilian Cheese Breads

In honor of the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, we found a recipe for a very popular Brazilian dish. Pão de Queijo or Brazilian cheese breads are a delicious and quick to prepare savory snack that is perfect for broadcasting competitions on the "small" screens.

From street snacks, Brazilians swear by chicken fritters and cheese breads. Why are they Brazilian cheese breads (Pão de Queijo) so popular, it will become crystal clear when we give you a simple recipe for them. Forget chips, bobby sticks and smokies, this is a quick snack salty snack no. 1 during the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics.

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Delicious Brazilian cheese breads.
Delicious Brazilian cheese breads

They are Brazilian cheese breads ready in minutes and they are so delicious that they will disappear from the table faster than Usain Bolt runs 100 meters! Brazilians eat them on various occasions and from now on you will too!

Recipe for Brazilian Cheese Breads:

Ingredients for Brazilian Cheese Breads:

  • 1 egg
  • 0.5 dcl of olive oil
  • 1 dcl of milk
  • 170 g of tapioca
  • 70 g of Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

The process of making Brazilian cheese breads:
Set the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Mix the listed ingredients well in a blender and fill the mini muffin pan with the mixture. Bake them in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until they turn brown and become light. After the elapsed time, leave them in the baking tray for a while, then carefully remove them. Have a good run!

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