
Recipe: bread for weight loss

Chia bread

Bread is one of the first things we eliminate from our menu when we decide to go on a diet. But let's not throw all breads in the same basket too quickly, because many types are unjustifiably blacklisted during weight loss. One such "victim of prejudice" is certainly bread made from chia, because it does not fatten and can be enjoyed with peace of mind even during weight loss. We give you a simple recipe for it below.

Bread is a food that is at the top of practically every list of "forbidden fruits" during the diet. But many people simply cannot resist bread. Well did you know that you can lose weight and eat bread at the same time? and you're not spitting in your own bowl with that? That you should not eat bread while losing weight is a too general claim, which we will deny with today's recipe.

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Chia seed bread can be enjoyed while on a diet.
Chia seed bread can be enjoyed while on a diet.

Bread is usually omitted because flour and yeast, but the bread from the sequel is made from chia seeds, almonds and cottage cheese. It is also very filling as the seeds are full of fiber and protein. At the same time, it slows down the metabolism of carbohydrates, so insulin stays at the same level for longer and consequently the longer we feel the energy.

Recipe for weight loss bread:

Ingredients of bread for weight loss:

  • 50 g of chia seeds
  • 300 g ground almonds
  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 bag of baking powder
  • half a teaspoon of salt

The process of making bread for weight loss:
Mix cottage cheese and seeds in a bowl. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. In another bowl, mix the almonds, baking powder and salt and stir the mixture into the chia seed mass. Mix until you get a dough, which you then transfer to a baking tray and bake for about 50 minutes. Have a good run!

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